What was that? A growling dog? The garbage truck backing up? An aircraft taking off maybe? No? Oh, it was the sound of snoring!

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone!

Snoring is generally brushed aside with a few jokes. But unfortunately, snoring is a serious and widespread problem affecting both, the snorer and the person subjected to it. The former can suffer from stroke and heart conditions while sleepless nights affect the latter, bringing in its wake all kinds of other problems.

The science behind snoring

During sleep, the muscles at the back of the throat relax. The area sometimes narrows and even shuts off temporarily. While breathing, the air passes through the narrow opening more quickly, causing the surrounding tissue to vibrate. This, in turn, causes the sound of snoring. The narrower the airway, the more the tissue vibrates, and the louder the snoring. Different people who snore have various reasons for the narrowing. The narrowing can be in the nose, mouth, or throat.

What causes snoring?

Air blockages in the breathing passage lead to snoring. This is caused by a variety of factors like stress, circulatory problems, obesity, sinus and nasal problems. Genetics may also play a role. Smoking or alcohol consumption, poor dietary habits, certain medications, and allergies can also contribute to the problem. A swollen tongue or tonsils and advancing age can also trigger snoring.

How does snoring affect your life?

Snoring leads to lack of good quality sleep, sleep apnea or temporary cessation of breathing. Gasping and choking can ensue due to irregular or obstructed breathing. The throat can become sore. There is also an increased susceptibility to chronic diseases like hypertension and stroke. Anger, irritability, inability to focus and reduced libido are some side-effects. You may also become clumsy and inattentive during the day.

However, for people engaged in certain professions, it can be a matter of life and death. Motorists and machine operators, for instance, need a certain amount of quality sleep. In general, snoring is an affliction that is best gotten rid of.

Learn how to stop snoring naturally with yoga

Today, there are several snoring treatment devices and solutions, including surgery. However, you could consider yoga for your snoring problems because:
it is safe and free from side-effects
it can help reduce or regulate snoring by decongesting the breathing canal
it can be practiced in conjunction with any treatment you may be undergoing

Yoga to stop snoring naturally

To stop the roaring…um snoring, you can try these yoga asanas and pranayamas:

yoga for snoring prioblems

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 

  • Opens up the chest and clears the lungs.
  • Helps improve the flow of oxygen and blood circulation.

    click here for how to do Bhujangasana
yoga poses to stop snoring

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

  • Helps regulate breathing.
  • Opens up the chest muscles to allow deeper inhalations and exhalations.

    Know more about Dhanurasana
get rid of snoring by yoga

Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)

  • Helps increase concentration.
  • Relieves anger and tension.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure.
    Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama
pranayama for snoring

Ujjayi Pranayama (Victory Breath Technique)

  • Helps strengthen the muscles of the throat and face.
  • Helps regulate sleep patterns.
  • Calms the mind.
    learn more about Ujjai Pranayama.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique

  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing excercise)
  • Helps to cleanse the circulation channels.
  • Helps to alleviate throat infections.
  • Helps regulate snoring and sleep apnea problems.
    Learn how to do Nadi shodhan Pranayama.

Kapal Bhati

Benefits of Kapalbhati & Steps to do kapalbhati

Simha Garjasana (Roaring Lion Pose)

  • Exercises the tongue.
  • Relaxes the neck muscles.
  • Helps prevent a sore throat.
  • Stimulates the platysma, i.e., the muscles in front of the throat.

Chanting Om

  • Induce sound sleep.
  • Improves concentration.
  • The vibrations generated by chanting ‘Om’ relax every cell in the body.

Snoring affects multiple aspects of your health and well-being. Seek prompt measures for yourself and/or your partner to learn how to stop snoring. Along with yoga and meditation, develop healthy and regular sleep and diet patterns. If possible, incorporate an Ayurvedic diet.

A combination of all of the above can not only stop snoring but also improve overall health.

Stop the snore before your partner shows you the door!